Sunday, September 11, 2011

Honor Our Fallen of September 11th

Let us never forget our fallen and those who continually stand in harms way. They are the most brave. They have paid the ultimate price and made the ultimate sacrifice. We continue to pray for the families of our fallen brave. May their memory live on eternally.
D Jackson, Sr. Exec. Administrator
Livingtoday Consortium

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Irene is intense. But thank God she is bypassing us again. Let's pray for those who are in her path.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Entitlement. Oh, You Mean My Paycheck

What Entitlement. Oh, You Mean My Paycheck. Let's get it straight. It's called entitlement because we worked for it for 50 + years. We made deposits into social security for 50+ years. We have now earned a return on our faithful deposits. It's called social security retirement and Medicare insurance. We paid for it so don't touch it. It's ours! Oh, you don't care, because you made over 250k. Well, we the people didn't, but we did deposit part of our paycheck. It's ours. Leave it alone!!!
DJackson, SEA

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's Time To Get Real

Ok, so here is what's real. We the people need a voice. Finally, we have one. It's a national voice and a world voice. It's called "MSNBC." That's right, you heard me. They are progressive and have a plan that Leans Forward toward a 21st century style that listens to the people, all the people. That's their agenda. So bring it if you can because we are heading for 2012. Let's have a breakout moment. If you got it bring it let me hear it.
D Jackson, Sr. Exec. Admin.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Wrong Look or Attitude Could Spell Doom If You Want That Job

In an ultra-competitive job market, every detail counts on a job interview.
The wrong look, the wrong attitude or both can sink an interview fast. A survey by showed that 46 percent of 3,200 hiring managers reported job candidates were dressed inappropriately.
But with the right look, lots of research and the right attitude, image experts and career advisors say you can get yourself remembered for all the right reasons and, ultimately, hired.
“People say appearance shouldn’t matter, that it’s what’s on the inside that counts,” said Kelly Machbitz, a Clearwater, Fla., image consultant, “but it’s that first impression that counts.”
When deciding what to wear, think conservatively, said Frank Kelly, who was named Esquire Magazine’s “Best Dressed Real Man” in 2007. He works with clients at the Community Partnership for the Homeless in Miami, prepping them for job interviews and building their self-confidence.
Kelly said to try on what you plan to wear for a friend or family member before the interview and ask them what stands out.

What Not To Wear On a Job INterview. from Internet 05/27/2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

When Doomsday Predications Fail

There has been a lot said about what happens to believers when doomsday predications fail. But, the media industry forgets to consider what happens to the masses of people whose lives are also affected by these progenitors of doom. History shows that there are people who project a sense of a special connection with God. Those who follow them do so as sheep being led to the slaughter.
So when these individuals get their prediction wrong the sheep are in denial and dismiss this huge debacle as though nothing as happened and happily return to fed on more of what they have been previously fed. Once again the masses have been emotionally scared and carry the baggage of these failures around with them. Let us not forget Jim Jones in Guyana and David Corash at Waco Texas. Only God knows the Day and the hour and He is not telling. So believers beware of who you listen to and who you follow.
The following is a list of 10 failed predictions:
       1.  The Prophet Hen of Leeds, 1806
       2.  The Millerites, April 23, 1843
       3.  Mormon Armageddon, 1891 or earlier
       4.  Halley's Comet, 1910
       5.  Pat Robertson, 1982
       6.  Heaven's Gate, 1997
       7.  Nostradamus, August 1999
       8.  Y2K, Jan. 1, 2000
       9.  May 5, 2000
       10.God's Church Ministry, Fall 2008

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Model City

It's time to invite every citizen to the table to help mold and shape Jacksonville into a model American city. I am tired of us being a national crime city, a city with low national educational accomplishments, a city that smells, a city with a high unemployment rate, a city that does not embrace change, a city that does not embrace what could be. If you could see what I see what a difference it would make. My family roots pre-dates "Jacksonville", remember Cowford. My family has endured car bombings  beatings by rubber hoses, sprayed with fire hoses, called names I will not mention, because of our ethnicity. Our family has served in every war and in every way we have been asked. We are a proud military family as are many.
We are proud of who we are as a people. We love this, our city. It is time to move forward. This is the 21st century. We owe our children and grandchildren something better. We owe them a future that is bright, filled with hope and ladened with opportunity. We are an international city with residents from around the globe. What I am saying is we are all family. Let's show the rest of the country who we really are. Let's show the world. We can make a difference. Our country needs what we have to offer. We Are America.

David Jackson, SEA